Protein powders — like hemp protein powder — are nutritional supplements used by athletes, bodybuilders, and those trying to gain weight or increase muscle mass. Hemp protein powder is one of the more popular varieties, made by grinding pressed hemp seeds into a fine powder. It has an earthy, nutty taste and is often added to shakes or smoothies to boost protein intake.

Hemp is a high-quality vegan protein, containing all nine essential amino acids, plus fiber, healthy fats and minerals.

Nutritional Value of Hemp Protein:

Hemp is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that humans must get from food.

A 1/4-cup (30-gram) serving of hemp protein powder contains around 120 calories and 15 grams of protein.

In general, animal proteins are more easily digested than plant proteins, but research shows that 91–98% of the protein in ground hemp seed is digestible.

This means that your body can use almost all of the amino acids in hemp protein powder for important bodily functions, such as repair and maintenance.

Hemp is a relatively new source of protein, having been first cultivated in Canada in 1998. Hemp seeds are a complete plant-based protein, containing 20 amino acids including all the essential nine amino acids that our body cannot synthesise itself. As hemp seeds are completely plant-based, they are easily digestible and not heavy on the stomach. They also help in the healthy growth and maintenance of muscle mass. The nutty taste of hemp protein enhances your ordinary shakes, brownies, smoothies, pancakes, waffles, and cupcakes to protein-rich treats.

Key Benefits of Hemp Protein Powder:



Hemp Protein Powder is highly nutritious and has next to no side effects. Hemp Protein Powder has shown that it may boost immunity as per many researches done all over the world.


  • Hemp Protein Powder is considered a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that humans must get from food.

     A 1/4-cup (30-gram) serving of hemp protein powder contains around 120 calories and 15 grams of protein.


  • Hemp Protein Powder is a plant-based protein and can be easily digested by the human body.


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